Saturday, December 31, 2005

Year End Roundup

Since July, I have drunk AT LEAST 48 different kinds of beer. There are 48 recorded/reviewed here, but I didn't count things I had had a ton of times before (ie Red Stripe, PBR, Schlitz). Yes, even though I am a beer dork I still drink these from time to time. I like to think this is what seperates beer dorks and beer snobs. Beer dorks like to know a lot about beer and try a bunch of different kinds, but beer snobs are elitist and will not drink things that are not up to their standard. I like all beer (other than sour ones. bleck.), and although, yes, I'd love a Rogue over a Hamm's, if Hamm's is all you got, I will probably try it anyways.

This drinking many kinds of beer has been a smashing success. Several years ago, I vowed to drink new kinds of beer all the time. Although it took time to get the ball rolling (I was poor and often was only around some PBR or Henry Weinhards), I think it has become quite a successful mission. I think at first it's hard to stray from your favorites, but it has been quite rewarding. I now like many more kinds and styles of beer than I used to. And I am far more conversant about how beer is made, what it tastes like, etc. Yay for new kinds of beer!

If you were going to get me a 2005 sampler six pack, you would be most highly rewarded by making it:
Left Hand Brewing Company JuJu Ginger Ale
Hazed and Confused APA
2 Brothers Heavy Handed
Founder's Red Rye
Great Lakes Edmund Fitzgerald
Avery Brewing IPA

The top 6!

Happy new year! I doubt I will have any new beers tomorrow, so we'll start the new year off fresh!


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